linux - How to install dual boot system CentOS & Windows? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange - If You Appreciate What We Do Here On TecMint, You Should Consider:

linux - How to install dual boot system CentOS & Windows? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange - If You Appreciate What We Do Here On TecMint, You Should Consider:

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- Dual boot windows 10 and centos 7 uefi free 


Dual booting Windows and Linux using UEFI |


I started the Windows 10 installation and created a 20 Gigabyte Windows partition. I deleted all existing Linux and swap partitions to start fresh, and then started my Windows installation. Roughly Gigabytes of unallocated space remained on the GB boot drive once this was finished. I then proceeded with and completed the Windows 10 installation process.

I then rebooted into Windows to make sure it was working, created my user account, set up wi-fi, and completed other tasks that need to be done on a first-time OS installation.

I next moved to install Linux. The last partition I created was Linux swap. As with Windows, I continued and completed the Linux installation, and then rebooted. I selected Linux and completed the usual steps such as creating my user account. Overall, the process was painless. I believe that we have now made it past these hurdles and can reliably set up multi-boot systems. Privacy Statement. What is an open decision? Resources What is open source?

Stay on top of the latest thoughts, strategies and insights from enterprising peers. Firmware Dual booting is not just a matter of software. UEFI vs. BIOS Before attempting to install, make sure your firmware configuration is optimal.

More Linux resources. Our latest Linux articles. What to read next. Alan Formy-Duval. Alan has 20 years of IT experience, mostly in the Government and Financial sectors. Alan's background is in high-availability clustered apps.

For me however, I am more for dual booting, nay even multibooting windows 10 with several linux distros in two SSD. Moreover, when I boot into any Linux distro, it typically takes less than 1 minute to load. As a matter of fact, I enjoy since more than 15 years ago, installing Windows, and other OS in a multiboot environment before using a commercial boot manager.

I used to have tri boot between windows ubuntu and Prime OS. Doing some boot-time disk shuffle only works for desktops. I figured on having a W98 partition, W2K partition for the retro stuff, and the Linux partition for managing images of the two MSWin setups so I can wipe and restore as needed.

Will any of these replace grub2? Your email address will not be published. RobG [ Reply ]. Wan [ Reply ]. JB [ Reply ]. If your having a problem duo booting windows is because you lack the experience. Shad Beckering [ Reply ]. Hikari [ Reply ]. With a bootloader I can just keep my isos updated on HD and boot them whenever I want.

Thomas McNicholas [ Reply ]. CapnAhab [ Reply ]. Thomas C [ Reply ]. John Ho [ Reply ]. Michael [ Reply ]. Now I Have Windows 7, Windows 8. Tristan [ Reply ].

Philip Cooper [ Reply ]. Neil Murphy [ Reply ].

